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Transform maps: store an error value in a session object, to pass from one transform map to another

transform map 1: we want to flag an issue to pass to transform map 2, which has its order set to a higher order so it runs after transform 1 (both fire off the same import set)

var session = gs.getSession();

var sSessionErr='no_errors';
if (bIgnore){ //set higher up in the script somewhere to flag an issue
    sSessionErr='an error -- text';
    response.error_string_inc=sSessionErr; //--if stuck in the old world of SOAP as opposed rest, can alter the response [web service transform maps only]...
    gs.log(sSessionErr, 'inc_transf_1');
    ignore=true; //this transform will ignore
session.putClientData('tmap_xyz_Errs', sSessionErr);

transform map 2: grab the error session string and alter the logic if it's present:
var incTransfErrs = session.getClientData('tmap_xyz_Errs');
if (incTransfErrs=='no_errors'){
    gs.log(sSessionErr, 'inc_transf_2');
    ignore=true; //this transform will also ignore
//--final clear down of the error session data as not needed for the transaction beyond this point:


(for import sets with lots of parallel runs, consider adding something unique to the session token to make sure it's unique for that particular row being processed, append the ticket number to the session name string or something similar)


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