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Running transform maps asynchronously

Some rough notes I took on running a transform asynch...

Import set needs to be set to mode=asynch

Look at the business rules for the sys_import_set and sys_import_set_row tables.  This is where the mode of synchronous is set when it's from SOAP, otherwise uses the default attribute value of asynchronous.  With some modifications or additional rules for specific import set tables as conditions you could set the mode before insert based on the target import set table.

I'm not sure I follow when/how you were trying to run this code, but how about a BEFORE INSERT business rule that sets the mode?

Name: Set Mode to Asynchronous
1. == 'My Data Source'  

When: Before
Insert: True
1.       current.mode = 'asynchronous';  

schedule transformation

take a look at Asynchronous Import Set Transformer

Follow following steps for scedule load:

1. Activate "Asynchronous Import Set Transformer" job (ideally work on a copy)
2. Change your import set state to loaded from loading.

Set web service import set to asynchronous mode

Changing this import set to a Mode of Asynchronous and a State of Loading prevents the data from being transformed immediately. Using this configuration, the import set is loaded but not transformed. You can then perform the transformation manually or with a scheduled script job.


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