(function fixScript(nLimit, doIt, bSkipEngines) {
var SCRIPT_NAME = "Fix Script"; // Set this to help with the log output // Set the table and query for the GlideRecord lookup var sTable = "", sQuery = ""; log(((!doIt) ? "***DRY RUN" : "***RUN")); var nCount = 0, nFixCount = 0, grTemplate = new GlideRecord(sTable); grTemplate.addEncodedQuery(sQuery); // Set any other queries as needed if (nLimit > 0) { // '0' means no limit to apply grTemplate.setLimit(nLimit); } grTemplate.query(); nCount = parseInt(grTemplate.getRowCount()); log("Found " + nCount + " record" + (nCount > 1 ? "s" : "")); while (grTemplate._next()) { // If we can, try to catch potential errors during the update/insert so the code can carry on merrily try { // do your processing/querying with the GlideRecord in this block if (doIt) { if (bSkipEngines) { // Make sure any engines do not kick off grTemplate.setWorkflow(false); grTemplate.setUseEngines(false); grTemplate.autoSysFields(false); } // Update what you need with the GlideRecord here // Example: // grTemplate.setValue('template', sTemplate); grTemplate.update(); nFixCount++; } } catch (e) { log("Could not update " + grTemplate.getDisplayValue()); } } log("***END: Removed from " + nFixCount + " out of " + nCount + " records"); // Garbage collection nCount = 0; nFixCount = 0; grTemplate = null; function log(msg) { gs.log(msg, SCRIPT_NAME); } })(0, false, true);
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