ServiceNow Running your own health scan, for improved reporting of culprit objects
(c) Shahed Shah
* Name: Config Review Script
* Created: 2019-07-19
* Author: Shahed Ali Shah @ Cloudefy Ltd
* Usage: Inside the *process* function, uncomment the function for the intended review
* Do not run all the functions.
var reviewScript = {
WHITELIST : ['sys_script_fix', 'clone_cleanup_script'], // of tables when running performMatch or findMatch
process: function() {
// WARNING - Try to reduce how many heavy scripts you run at once
//this.hardCodedSysIDs(); // HEAVY: Hard-coded Sys IDs in Server-Side Scripts
// this.ohardCodedSysIDs([
// {
// table: 'sys_script',
// field: 'script',
// query: 'active=true'
// },
// {
// table: 'sys_script_include',
// field: 'script',
// query: 'active=true'
// },
// {
// table: 'sys_ui_action',
// field: 'script',
// query: 'active=true'
// }
// ]);
//this.logsInClient(); // HEAVY: console.log in Client-side scripts
//this.logsInServer(); // HEAVY: gs.log in Server-side scripts
//this.queryAudit(); // HEAVY: DO NOT query audit log in your custom code
//this.queryJournal(); // HEAVY: DO NOT query journal table in your custom code
//this.grInScript(); // HEAVY: 'var gr' usage in server-side scripts
// this.getRowCountInScript(); // HEAVY: Usage of 'getRowCount' in server-side scripts
// this.oGetRowCountInScript([
// {
// table: 'sys_script',
// field: 'script',
// query: 'active=true'
// },
// {
// table: 'sys_script_include',
// field: 'script',
// query: 'active=true'
// },
// {
// table: 'sys_ui_action',
// field: 'script',
// query: 'active=true'
// }
// ]);
//this.scriptsUsingEval(); // HEAVY: Scripts should not use the eval() method
//this.scriptsUsingJavaPackages(); // HEAVY: Scripts do not directly call Java packages
//this.hardcodedUrls(); // HEAVY: Hard coded instance URL
// this.hardcodedUrls_table('',
// [
// {
// table: 'sys_script',
// field: 'script',
// query: 'active=true'
// },
// {
// table: 'sys_script_include',
// field: 'script',
// query: 'active=true'
// },
// {
// table: 'sys_ui_action',
// field: 'script',
// query: 'active=true'
// }
// ]);
//this.glideRecordInClient(); // Usage of 'GlideRecord' in client-side scripts
//this.globalBusinessRules(); // Global Business Rules
//this.checkProperties(); // Check key properties are set to best practice values
//this.beforeBRUpdateInsert(); // Before Business Rules should not update/insert on other tables
//this.complexWorkflows(); // Complex Workflows, with many steps
//this.workflowValidation(); // All workflows should pass validation
//this.coalesceIndexed(); // Verifying that transform map fields are being indexed
//this.transformMapBR(); // Transform maps generally don't need "Run Business Rules" enabled
//this.dataSourceLastRun(); // JDBC Data Sources should have the "Use last run datetime" option checked
//this.domManipulation(); // Client-side code should not use DOM manipulation technique
//this.highSecurityPlugin(); // Making sure that the High Security Plugin is enabled.
// this.tooManyFieldsOnForm(); // Too many fields on forms impact UX (>30 check)
//this.minimiseErrors(); // Minimise on the number of errors per day (>10,000 check)
//this.calculateDictWithGr(); // GlideRecord in calculated fields
//this.isLoadingCheck(); // Client Scripts should check for isLoading and return
//this.moduleLargeTable(); // Looking for modules linking to large tables without a filter
//this.modifiedBusinessRules(); // Business Rule: Modified from Baseline
//this.modifiedScriptIncludes(); // Script Includes: Modified from Baseline
//this.modifiedClient(); // Client and UI Scripts: Modified from Baseline
//this.modifiedJelly(); // UI Macros and UI Pages: Modified from Baseline
//this.setValueClient(); // Client-side scripts not using setValue(field,value,display_value)
this.currentUpdateWorkflow(); // Look for workflows that contain current.update() in it's script
//this.currentUpdateBR(); // Before Business Rules using curent.update()
//this.numberOfWorkflows(); // STATS: Number of workflows
//this.rowCountPreference(); // STATS: Checking the value of rowcount
//this.numberOfUpdateSets(); // STATS: Number of update sets
//this.numberOfPlugins(); // STATS: Number of active plugins
//this.skippedUpgradeItems(); // STATS: Number of skipped items in last upgrade
//this.choiceCount(); // STATS: Number of choice fields with more than 10 choices
//this.adminRoleCheck(); // STATS: Number of users with admin role
//this.publicReports(); // TODO
publicReports: function() {
var findings = [];
var reportGr = new GlideRecord('sys_report');
reportGr.addQuery('is_published', 'true');
while ( {
if (this.version._isOOB(reportGr)) {
if (findings && findings.length > 0) {
this._showFindings("Public reports", findings);
currentUpdateBR:function() {
var searchTerm = "current\\.update()\\";
var searchTable = {
table : "sys_script",
field : "script",
query : "active=true^when=before"
this._performMatch(searchTerm, searchTable);
currentUpdateWorkflow: function() {
var findings = [];
//Assemble list of Activities that run scripts
var activitiesGr = new GlideRecord('wf_activity');
activitiesGr.addQuery('','Run script');
while (activitiesGr._next()) {
if (this.version._isOOB(activitiesGr)) {
//Isolate the workflow variables that contains the script
var table = activitiesGr.getRecordClassName();
var sys_id = activitiesGr.getUniqueValue();
// Speed up checks using GlideAggregate
var scriptGa = new GlideAggregate('sys_variable_value');
scriptGa.addAggregate('COUNT', 'sys_id');
scriptGa.addQuery('document', table);
scriptGa.addQuery('document_key', sys_id);
scriptGa.addQuery('valueLIKEcurrent.update()'); // Works as an encoded query. Maybe better to use regex
if ( {
var count = scriptGa.getAggregate('COUNT', 'sys_id');
if (count > 0) {
// // Attempt to check if this is OOB and skip - not sure if it will work here
// var scriptGr = new GlideRecord('sys_variable_value');
// if (scriptGr.get(scriptGa.getValue('sys_id'))) {
// if (this.version._isOOB(scriptGr)) {
// continue;
// }
// }
// Add some helpful stuff to the finding
var override = {
Workflow: activitiesGr.workflow_version.getDisplayValue()
findings.push(this._addFinding(activitiesGr, override));
if (findings && findings.length > 0) {
this._showFindings("current.update in Workflows", findings);
setValueClient: function() {
var findings = [];
var clientGr = new GlideRecord('sys_script_client');
while (clientGr._next()) {
if (this.version._isOOB(clientGr))
// This regex has a capture group to get what's inside the brackets
var search = "g_form.setValue\\((.*)\\)";
var match, regex = new RegExp(search, 'g');
//var match, regex = /g_form.setValue\((.*)\)/g;
var script = clientGr.getValue('script');
script = this.scriptUtils._removeComments(script);
if ((match = regex.exec(script))!= null) {
var paramStr = match[1]; // parameters inside the setValue() function
var paramArr = paramStr.split(','); // Turn it into an array and count
var msg = [], override = {};
// Two params: field name, value
// Three params: field name, value, display value
if (paramArr) {
var isReference = false;
var fieldName = paramArr[0];
if (!fieldName || fieldName == "") {
gs.print("Non-existant field")
fieldName = fieldName.replace(/\'|\"/g, "");
// this._print(
// "Script type: {1}, name: {2}, field name: {0}",
// [
// fieldName,
// clientGr.getValue('sys_class_name'),
// clientGr.getDisplayValue()
// ],
// true);
// gs.print("field name: " + fieldName);
// gs.print(clientGr.getValue('sys_class_name'));
if (clientGr.getValue('sys_class_name') == 'sys_script_client') {
var tableName = clientGr.getValue('table');
var dictGr = new GlideRecord('sys_dictionary')
dictGr.addQuery('name', tableName);
dictGr.addQuery('element', fieldName);
if (dictGr._next()) {
if (dictGr.getValue('internal_type') == 'reference') {
isReference = true;
else {
// must a variable in the catalog
// gr doesn't expand to child so here goes...
var catScriptGr = new GlideRecord('catalog_script_client');
if (!catScriptGr.get(clientGr.getUniqueValue())) {
// can't do anything so let the loop move on
var variableSet = catScriptGr.getValue('variable_set') || null;
var catItem = catScriptGr.getValue('cat_item') || null;
var varGr = new GlideRecord('item_option_new');
varGr.addQuery('name', fieldName);
varGr.addQuery('type', '8') // 8 is the value of type=reference
if (variableSet) {
varGr.addQuery("variable_set", variableSet);
if (catItem) {
varGr.addQuery("cat_item", catItem);
if (varGr._next()) {
isReference = true;
if (isReference && paramArr.length < 3) {
//override.value = "Reference: " + fieldName; // track it in the finding
findings.push(this._addFinding(clientGr, override));
if (findings && findings.length > 0) {
this._showFindings("g_form.setValue on a reference field without displayValue", findings)
modifiedClient: function() {
modifiedScripts: function(table) {
var findings = [],
clientGr = new GlideRecord(table);
while (clientGr._next()) {
var updateName = clientGr.getValue('sys_update_name');
var wasOOB = this.version._wasOOB(updateName);
if (wasOOB) {
if (findings && findings.length > 0) {
var tableLabel = this._getTableLabel(table);
this._showFindings(tableLabel + ": Modified from Baseline", findings)
modifiedJelly: function() {
modifiedBusinessRules: function() {
var findings = [],
bRules = new GlideRecord('sys_script');
while (bRules._next()) {
var updateName = bRules.getValue('sys_update_name');
var wasOOB = this.version._wasOOB(updateName);
if (wasOOB) {
if (findings && findings.length > 0) {
this._showFindings("Business Rule: Modified from Baseline", findings)
modifiedScriptIncludes: function() {
var findings = [],
includeGr = new GlideRecord('sys_script_include');
while (includeGr._next()) {
// Safety check, it might an extension of 'name'SNC, e.g. KBCommon >> KBCommonSNC
var dupIncludeGr = new GlideRecord('sys_script_include');
var snName = includeGr.getValue('name') + "SNC";
if (dupIncludeGr.get('name', snName)) {
// Script Include intended to be modified so skip
var updateName = includeGr.getValue('sys_update_name');
var wasOOB = this.version._wasOOB(updateName);
if (wasOOB) {
if (findings && findings.length > 0) {
this._showFindings("Script Include: Modified from Baseline", findings)
queryJournal: function() {
var scriptFieldArr = this.scriptUtils._scriptFieldArr();
var searchTerm = "new GlideRecord\([\"|\']sys_audit[\"|\']\)";
this._findMatch(searchTerm, scriptFieldArr);
queryAudit: function() {
var scriptFieldArr = this.scriptUtils._scriptFieldArr();
var searchTerm = "new GlideRecord\([\"|\']sys_audit[\"|\']\)";
this._findMatch(searchTerm, scriptFieldArr);
adminRoleCheck: function() {
var table = 'sys_user_has_role',
query = "^";
var count = this._getCount(table, query);
var s = this._genHeader('Number of users with admin role')
s += this._print("Recorded {0} users with the 'admin' role", [count]);
s += "Recommendation: Limit the number of admin users on a prod instance to 5 or below."
choiceCount: function() {
var findings = [];
var threshold = 10; // SN Best Practice: More than 10 options in a choice often results in a poor user experience
var table = 'sys_choice';
var choiceGr = new GlideAggregate(table);
choiceGr.addQuery('name', '!=', '');
choiceGr.addQuery('inactive', false);
choiceGr.addQuery('name', 'NOT LIKE', 'v_%');
choiceGr.addAggregate('COUNT', 'element');
choiceGr.addHaving('COUNT', 'element', '>', threshold);
while ( {
//Trying to build the sys_update_name in the format of sys_choice_{table}_{column}
var updateName = "sys_choice_" + choiceGr.getValue('name') + "_" + choiceGr.getValue('element');
if (this.version._isOOB_updateName(updateName))
var finding = {
name: updateName,
table: table,
target_table: choiceGr.getValue('name'),
link: gs.getProperty('glide.servlet.uri') + table + '' + choiceGr.getValue('name') + "^element=" + choiceGr.getValue('element'),
value: "Counted " + choiceGr.getAggregate('COUNT', 'element')
if (findings && findings.length > 0) {
this._showFindings("Too many options in a choice field", findings)
logsInServer: function() {
var scriptFieldArr = this.scriptUtils._scriptFieldArr();
var searchTerm = "gs\\.log\\(";
this._findMatch(searchTerm, scriptFieldArr);
isLoadingCheck: function() {
var findings = [],
regex = /onChange\(.*isLoading\) {([.\w\W]*)}/g,
clientScriptGr = new GlideRecord('sys_script_client');
clientScriptGr.addQuery('type', 'onChange');
while ( {
if (this.version._isOOB(clientScriptGr)) {
var str = clientScriptGr.getValue('script');
if ((m = regex.exec(str)) != null) {
var subScript = m[m.length-1];
if (subScript.indexOf("isLoading") == -1) {
if (findings && findings.length > 0) {
this._showFindings("Scripts without isLoading check", findings)
numberOfWorkflows: function() {
// Customers most likley will not do a *full* clone so it's best to get this statistic from prod
var table = 'wf_workflow_version';
var query = 'published=true';
var count = this._getCount(table, query);
var s = this._genHeader("Number of Workflows");
s+= "There are {0} workflows. A large number is difficult to manage\n".replace(/\{0\}/g, count);
s+= "Try to use baseline functionality wherever possible. " +
"A large number of workflows is not bad; just more to manage.\n";
skippedUpgradeItems: function() {
var version = gs.getProperty('glide.war');
var upgradeGr = new GlideRecord('sys_upgrade_history');
if (upgradeGr.get('to_version', version)) {
var table = 'sys_upgrade_history_log';
var query = 'upgrade_history=' + upgradeGr.getUniqueValue();
query += '^dispositionIN4,104,9,10^changed=true^ORdisposition=9^resolution_status=not_reviewed^ORresolution_status=';
var count = this._getCount(table, query);
var s = this._genHeader("Number of skipped items in last upgrade");
s+= "There are {0} 'skipped' (that item was not upgraded) items in the last upgrade\n".replace(/\{0\}/g, count);
numberOfPlugins: function() {
var plugins = this._getPluginList();
var s = this._genHeader("Number of active plugins");
s+= "There are {0} active\n".replace(/\{0\}/g, plugins.length);
s+= "The more plugins that you activate, the more there is to manage.";
calculateDictWithGr: function() {
var findings = [];
var dictGr = new GlideRecord('sys_dictionary');
dictGr.addQuery('virtual', 'true');
dictGr.addQuery('calculation', 'LIKE', '%new GlideRecord%');
while ( {
if (this.version._isOOB(dictGr))
if (findings && findings.length > 0) {
this._showFindings("GlideRecord in calculated fields", findings)
minimiseErrors: function() {
// Customers most likley will not do a *full* clone so it's best to get this statistic from prod
var table = 'syslog';
var query = 'level=2';
var count = this._getCount(table, query);
if (count > 10000) {
// The number of errors in the system log should be under 10,000
var s = this._genHeader("Minimise the number of errors per day");
s+= "There are {0} errors in the logs, which need to be under 10,000\n".replace(/\{0\}/g, count);
s+= "Have a System Admin check the Error log continually during development" +
" and regularly in production. Act on any errors to reduce future issues\n";
tooManyFieldsOnForm: function() {
var findings = [];
var formGr = new GlideRecord('sys_ui_section');
formGr.addQuery('view','Default view');
formGr.addQuery('sys_updated_by', '!=', 'glide.maint');
while ( {
if (this.version._isOOB(formGr)) {
var table = 'sys_ui_element',
query = 'sys_ui_section=' + formGr.getUniqueValue() + '^typeISEMPTY';
// ISEMPTY is needed to make sure we don't pick up splits and formatters
var count = this._getCount(table, query);
if (count > 30) {
var updateLink = "{0}name={1}^update_set!=NULL";
updateLink = updateLink.replace("{0}", "")
updateLink = updateLink.replace("{1}", formGr.getValue('sys_update_name'));
updateLink = gs.getProperty('glide.servlet.uri') + updateLink;
var override = {
field_count: count,
update_link: updateLink
findings.push(this._addFinding(formGr, override));
if (findings && findings.length > 0) {
this._showFindings("Too many fields on a form", findings)
numberOfUpdateSets: function() {
var count = this._getCount('sys_update_set', 'state=in progress^name!=Default^ORname=NULL');
if (count > 0) {
var s = this._genHeader("Update Set Check");
s+= "There are {0} in progress update sets\n".replace(/\{0\}/g, count);
moduleLargeTable: function() {
var findings = [],
moduleGr = new GlideRecord('sys_app_module');
moduleGr.addEncodedQuery('nameIN' + LARGE_TABLES.join(','));
moduleGr.addQuery('filter', 'NULL');
while ( {
if (this._isOOB(moduleGr)) {
if (findings && findings.length > 0) {
this._showFindings("Modules with Large Tables and no filter", findings)
hardcodedUrls: function() {
var instance_name = gs.getProperty("instance_name");
var search = "http:\/\/" + instance_name + "|https:\/\/" + instance_name;
var scriptFieldArr = this.scriptUtils._scriptFieldArr();
this._findMatch(search, scriptFieldArr);
hardcodedUrls_table: function(instance, oDict) {
var instance_name = instance != '' ? instance : gs.getProperty("instance_name");
var search = "http:\/\/" + instance_name + "|https:\/\/" + instance_name;
this._findMatch(search, oDict);
highSecurityPlugin: function() {
var s = this._genHeader("Plugin Check");
s+="Is High Security plugin enabled: " + this._isPluginActive('com.glide.high_security');
s+="Is Client Transaction Timing plugin enabled: " + this._isPluginActive('com.glide.client_transaction');
domManipulation: function() {
// Ignore portal and UI Pages as DOM manipulation is expected
var whitelist = ['sp_widget','sp_angular_provider', 'sys_ui_page'];
// Look for references to $(), $j(), window., document.
var search = "\\$\\(.*\\)|\\$j\\(.*\\)|window\\.|document\\..*\\(";
var scriptFieldArr = this.scriptUtils._clientScriptArr();
scriptFieldArr = this._filterTableList(scriptFieldArr, whitelist);
this._findMatch(search, scriptFieldArr);
transformMapBR: function() {
var table = 'sys_transform_map';
var query = 'run_business_rules=true^active=true';
var brCount = this._getCount(table, query);
if (brCount) {
var s = this._genHeader("Transform Maps running Business Rules");
s+= "There are {0} transform maps with 'Run Business Rules' enabled\n".replace(/\{0\}/g, brCount);
s+= this._generateQueryUrl(table, query, true);
dataSourceLastRun: function() {
var table = 'sys_data_source';
var query = 'type=JDBC^use_last_run_datetime=false';
var brCount = this._getCount(table, query);
if (brCount) {
var s = this._genHeader("Transform Maps last run datetime");
s+= "There are {0} JDBC data sources without 'Use last run datetime' enabled\n".replace(/\{0\}/g, brCount);
s+= this._generateQueryUrl(table, query, true);
coalesceIndexed: function() {
var findings = [];
var transformMapGr = new GlideRecord('sys_transform_map');
while ( {
if (this.version._isOOB(transformMapGr))
var fieldMapGr = new GlideRecord('sys_transform_entry');
fieldMapGr.addQuery('map', transformMapGr.getUniqueValue());
fieldMapGr.addQuery('coalesce', 'true');
if ( { // Get first field. Don't need to iterate
var table = transformMapGr.getValue('target_table');
var field = fieldMapGr.getValue('target_field');
if (!this._isIndexed(table, field)) {
if (findings && findings.length > 0) {
this._showFindings("Fields used to coalesce in a Table Transform Maps should be indexed", findings)
workflowValidation: function() {
var s = "";
var wfVersionGr = new GlideRecord('wf_workflow_version');
wfVersionGr.addQuery('published', 'true');
while ( {
if (this.version._isOOB(wfVersionGr))
var validationResult = new WorkflowValidateUtil().validateWorkflow(wfVersionGr);
if (validationResult.result != 'valid') {
s+= "Workflow: " + wfVersionGr.getDisplayValue() + "\n";
s+= "Level: " + getLevelText(validationResult.level) + "\n";
s+= "Validation results: " + validationResult.msg + "\n\n";
if (s != "") {
gs.print(this._genHeader("All workflows should pass validation") + s);
function getLevelText(level /*number*/) {
var levelText = "";
switch(level) {
case 0:
levelText = "Info";
case 1:
levelText = "Warning";
case -1:
levelText = "Critical";
levelText = "Unknown";
return levelText;
hardCodedSysIDs: function() {
var scriptFieldArr = this.scriptUtils._scriptFieldArr();
var search = "[0-9a-f]{32}";
var findings = this._findMatch(search, scriptFieldArr);
if (findings && findings.length > 0) {
this._showFindings("Hard-coded Sys IDs found", findings)
ohardCodedSysIDs: function(scriptFieldArr) {
var search = "[0-9a-f]{32}";
var findings = this._findMatch(search, scriptFieldArr);
if (findings && findings.length > 0) {
this._showFindings("Hard-coded Sys IDs found", findings)
globalBusinessRules: function() {
var s=null, countEntries=0, findings = [];
var brGr = new GlideRecord('sys_script');
brGr.addQuery('collection', 'global');
while ( {
if (!this.version._isOOB(brGr)) {
if (findings && findings.length > 0) {
this._showFindings("Global Business Rules found", findings)
brGr = null;
logsInClient: function() {
var scriptFieldArr = this.scriptUtils._clientScriptArr();
var search = "\\bconsole\\..*\\(";
var findings = this._findMatch(search, scriptFieldArr);
if (findings && findings.length > 0) {
this._showFindings("Client Scripts with Logging found", findings)
grInScript: function() {
var scriptFieldArr = this.scriptUtils._scriptFieldArr();
var search = "\\bvar gr\\b";
var findings = this._findMatch(search, scriptFieldArr);
glideRecordInClient: function() {
// Findings that are up for discussion. Using async with GlideRecord is safe,
// so this is looking for any usage of query() instead of query(callback).
// Not using findMatch or performMatch for this additional check
var regex = /\.query\(\)/g,
findings = [];
var scriptFieldArr = this.scriptUtils._clientScriptArr();
for (var i=0;i<scriptFieldArr.length;i++) {
var dict = scriptFieldArr[i];
var clientGr = new GlideRecord(dict.table);
clientGr.addQuery(dict.field,'LIKE','%new GlideRecord(%')
while ( {
if (this.version._isOOB(clientGr))
var script = clientGr.getValue('script');
if ((match= regex.exec(script))!=null) {
if (findings && findings.length > 0) {
this._showFindings("GlideRecord Usage in Client-side", findings)
getRowCountInScript: function() {
var scriptFieldArr = this.scriptUtils._scriptFieldArr();
var search = ".getRowCount\\(\\)";
var findings = this._findMatch(search, scriptFieldArr);
oGetRowCountInScript: function(scriptFieldArr) {
var search = "[0-9a-f]{32}";
var findings = this._findMatch(search, scriptFieldArr);
if (findings && findings.length > 0) {
this._showFindings("Hard-coded Sys IDs found", findings)
checkProperties: function() {
var properties = this._propertiesArray();
var s = "";
for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
property = properties[i];
var currentValue = gs.getProperty(property.property_name);
defaultValue = property.default_value;
if (defaultValue != currentValue) {
s += "(" + property.rating + ") Description: " + property.description + "\n";
s += property.product + " | " + property.category + "\n";
s += "Value: " + defaultValue + " >> " + currentValue + "\n\n";
if (s != "") {
gs.print(this._genHeader("Overall property check") + s);
rowCountPreference: function() {
var count = this._getCount('sys_user_preference', 'name=rowcount^value=100');
if (count > 0) {
var s = this._genHeader("Rowcount preferences check")
s += count + ' preference(s) found with "rowcount" set to "100"';
beforeBRUpdateInsert:function() {
var searchTerm = "\.update\(\)\|\.insert\(\)";
var searchTable = {
table: 'sys_script',
field: 'script',
query: 'active=true^when=before'
this._performMatch(searchTerm, searchTable);
complexWorkflows: function() {
// Looking at workflows with more than 30 activities
var table = "wf_activity",
field = "workflow_version",
query = "workflow_version.published=true",
threshold = 30;
this._getFieldCount(table, field, query, threshold);
scriptsUsingEval: function() {
var search = "\beval\(.*\)";
var scriptFieldArr = this.scriptUtils._scriptFieldArr();
var findings = this._findMatch(search, scriptFieldArr);
scriptsUsingJavaPackages: function() {
var search = "Packages\.java";
var scriptFieldArr = this.scriptUtils._scriptFieldArr();
var findings = this._findMatch(search, scriptFieldArr);
* Supporting functions
_generateUrl: function (gr /* GlideRecord */) {
// Reduce the mess of generating links into a reusable function
if (!gr)
return null;
var t = gr.getRecordClassName(); // extract table name
var id = gr.getUniqueValue(); // get the sys_id
return gs.getProperty('glide.servlet.uri') + gs.generateURL(t, id);
_generateQueryUrl: function(table, query, isList) {
var s = gs.getProperty('glide.servlet.uri');
s += (isList==true) ? table + "" : table + ".do";
s+= "?sysparm_query=" + query;
return s;
_getCount: function(table /* String */, query /* String */) {
// GlideAggregate boilerplate for normal count
var count = 0;
var ga = new GlideAggregate(table);
if (query) {
if ( {
count = ga.getAggregate('COUNT');
return count;
_getFieldCount: function(table /* String */, field /* String */, query /* String */, threshold /* Number */) {
var count = 0;
var ga = new GlideAggregate(table);
if (query) {
ga.addAggregate('COUNT', field);
ga.addHaving('COUNT', field, '>', threshold);
while ( {
gs.print("(" + ga.getAggregate('COUNT', field) +") " + ga.getDisplayValue(field));
_addFinding: function(findingGr /* GlideRecord */, override /* Object */) {
var s = "";
var findingObject = {};
if (!findingGr) {
return s;
//var targetRec = (this._getTableLabel(findingGr.getValue('collection'))) ? this._getTableLabel(findingGr.getValue('collection')) : findingGr.getValue('collection');
// Try to find which product table this object belongs to
var targetRec = findingGr.getValue('collection');
if (!targetRec || targetRec == '') {
targetRec = findingGr.getValue('table');
if (!targetRec || targetRec == '') {
// catalog
targetRec = findingGr.getValue('cat_item');
if (!targetRec || targetRec == '') {
// catalog
targetRec = findingGr.getValue('variable_set');
if (!targetRec || targetRec == '') {
targetRec = findingGr.getValue('target_table');
if (!targetRec || targetRec == '') {
// Some objects have the table name in the 'name' field
targetRec = findingGr.getValue('name');
// Try to get a nice display for the product table
if (targetRec || targetRec != '') {
targetRec = this._getTableLabel(targetRec) ? this._getTableLabel(targetRec) : targetRec;
if (override) {
for (var property in override) {
findingObject[property] = override[property];
} = findingGr.getDisplayValue() || "(empty)";
findingObject.table = (this._getTableLabel(findingGr.getRecordClassName()) != null) ? this._getTableLabel(findingGr.getRecordClassName()) : findingGr.getTableName;
if (targetRec && targetRec != '') {
findingObject.target_table = targetRec;
} = this._generateUrl(findingGr);
findingObject.updated_on = findingGr.getDisplayValue('sys_updated_on');
findingObject.updated_by = findingGr.getValue('sys_updated_by');
return findingObject;
_showFindings: function(review /* String */, findings /* Array */) {
var s = "";
if (review != "") {
s = "\n\n----------\n\nReview: " + review + " (" + findings.length +")\n\n----------\n\n";
else {
"\n\n----------\n\nReview: " + findings.length +" findings\n\n----------\n\n";
for (var i=0;i<findings.length;i++) {
var finding = findings[i];
// s += "Name: " + + "\n";
// s += "Table: " + finding.table + "\n";
// if (finding.target_table) {
// s+= "Target table: " + finding.target_table + "\n";
// }
// s += "Updated On: " + finding.updated_on + "\n";
// s += "Updated By: " + finding.updated_by + "\n";
// s += "Link: " + + "\n\n";
// Try to walk through the properties of the finding object and output it
for (var findingProperty in finding) {
if (finding[findingProperty] == "")
s+= this.scriptUtils._clean(findingProperty) + ": " + finding[findingProperty] + "\n";
_getTableLabel: function(table_name /* String */) {
if (!table_name) {
var dbObjectGr = new GlideRecord('sys_db_object');
if (dbObjectGr.get('name', table_name)) {
return dbObjectGr.getValue('label') + " [" + table_name+ "]";
return table_name; // If we got here... good luck
_showFinding: function(record /* GlideRecord */) {
var s = "";
if (!record)
var finding = this._addFinding(record);
s += "Name: " + + "\n";
s += "Table: " + finding.table + "\n";
if (finding.target_table) {
s+= "Target table: " + finding.target_table + "\n";
s += "Updated On: " + finding.updated_on + "\n";
s += "Updated By: " + finding.updated_by + "\n";
s += "Link: " + + "\n\n";
_genHeader: function(headerText) {
return "\n\n----------\n\n{0}\n\n----------\n\n".replace(/\{0\}/g, headerText);
_isIndexed: function(table, field) {
var answer = false; // assume false
if (!table || !field) {
return false;
var td = GlideTableDescriptor(table);
var ed;
if (td) {
ed = td.getElementDescriptor(field);
if (ed) {
var source = ed.getTableName();
var i;
try {
i = GlideTableDescriptor(source).getIndexDescriptors().values().iterator();
} catch (e) {
return false;
while (i.hasNext()) {
if ( == field) {
answer = true;
return answer;
version : {
_isOOB: function(gr) {
// Safety check
if (!gr)
return false;
var update_name = gr.getValue('sys_update_name');
if (!update_name || update_name == "") {
// Can't check so assume it's not OOB
return false;
return this._isOOB_updateName(update_name);
// // Close enough estimation of this being OOB
// var update_name = gr.getValue('sys_update_name'),
// hasVersion = false,
// versionGr = new GlideAggregate('sys_update_version');
// // Safety check
// if (!update_name || update_name == "") {
// // Can't check so assume it's not OOB
// return false;
// }
// versionGr.addQuery('name', update_name);
// versionGr.addQuery('source_table', '=', 'sys_upgrade_history');
// versionGr.addAggregate('COUNT');
// versionGr.query();
// if ( {
// if (versionGr.getAggregate('COUNT') > 0)
// hasVersion = true;
// }
// var hasUpdate = false,
// updateGr = new GlideAggregate('sys_update_xml');
// updateGr.addQuery('name', update_name);
// updateGr.addAggregate('COUNT');
// updateGr.query();
// if ( {
// if (updateGr.getAggregate('COUNT') > 0)
// hasUpdate = true;
// }
// versionGr = null;
// updateGr = null;
// // If there is no version record and there's no sys_update_xml record then it's gotta be OOB, right?
// if (!hasVersion && !hasUpdate)
// return true;
// else
// return false;
_isOOB_updateName: function(update_name) {
var hasVersion = false,
versionGr = new GlideAggregate('sys_update_version');
// Safety check
if (!update_name || update_name == "") {
// Can't check so assume it's not OOB
return false;
versionGr.addQuery('name', update_name);
versionGr.addQuery('source_table', '=', 'sys_upgrade_history');
if ( {
if (versionGr.getAggregate('COUNT') > 0)
hasVersion = true;
var hasUpdate = false,
updateGr = new GlideAggregate('sys_update_xml');
updateGr.addQuery('name', update_name);
if ( {
if (updateGr.getAggregate('COUNT') > 0)
hasUpdate = true;
versionGr = null;
updateGr = null;
// If there is no version record and there's no sys_update_xml record then it's gotta be OOB, right?
if (!hasVersion && !hasUpdate)
return true;
return false;
_wasOOB: function(update_name) {
var table = "sys_update_version";
var query = "name=" + update_name + "^source_table=sys_upgrade_history";
return (reviewScript._getCount(table, query) > 0); // using 'reviewScript' instead of 'this'
_isSystem: function(gr) {
var answer = false;
var updated_by = gr.getValue('sys_updated_by');
if (updated_by == 'system' || updated_by == 'system@snc') {
answer = true;
return answer;
scriptUtils: {
_clean: function(term) {
term = term.replace("_", " ");
term = term.capitalize();
return term;
_clientScriptArr: function() {
// Similar to _scriptFieldArr but this will return tables for client-side scripting
var result = [];
var tableName, fieldName;
var dictGR = new GlideRecord('sys_dictionary');
dictGR.addQuery('internal_type', 'script')
.addOrCondition('internal_type', 'script_plain');
dictGR.addEncodedQuery('attributesLIKEclient_script=true'); // needs encoding for some reason
dictGR.addQuery('name', '!=','NULL');
while ( {
tableName = dictGR.getValue('name');
if (tableName.match('^var_')) {
var tblGR = new GlideRecord(tableName);
if (tblGR.instanceOf('sys_metadata') == false) {
// This table is not an application file, skip
fieldName = dictGR.getValue('element');
if ((tableName == 'sp_portal' && fieldName == 'quick_start_config') ||
(tableName == 'diagrammer_action' && fieldName == 'script') ||
(tableName == 'sys_ui_action' && fieldName == 'client_script_v2')) {
// these are niche
// Assume that if this field is on the table, it is a reference field to the product table
var productTableField = '';
if (tblGR.isValidField('table')) productTableField = 'table';
if (tblGR.isValidField('collection')) productTableField = 'collection';
'table': tableName,
'field': fieldName,
'product_table_field': productTableField
return result;
_scriptFieldArr: function() {
var result = [];
var tableName, fieldName;
var dictGR = new GlideRecord('sys_dictionary');
dictGR.addQuery('internal_type', 'script')
.addOrCondition('internal_type', 'script_plain')
.addOrCondition('internal_type', 'email_script');
dictGR.addEncodedQuery('attributesISEMPTY^ORattributesNOT LIKEclient_script=true'); // Must be encoded for some reason
dictGR.addQuery('name', '!=', 'NULL');
while ( {
tableName = dictGR.getValue('name');
if (tableName.match('^var_')) {
var tblGR = new GlideRecord(tableName);
if (tblGR.instanceOf('sys_metadata') == false) {
// This table is not an application file, skip
fieldName = dictGR.getValue('element');
if ((tableName == 'sys_script_client' && fieldName == 'script') ||
(tableName == 'sys_ui_policy' && fieldName == 'script_false') ||
(tableName == 'sys_ui_policy' && fieldName == 'script_true') ||
(tableName == 'sys_ui_script' && fieldName == 'script') ||
(tableName == 'sys_ui_page' && fieldName == 'client_script')) {
// these are client scripts
// Assume that if this field is on the table, it is a reference field to the product table
var productTableField = '';
if (tblGR.isValidField('table')) productTableField = 'table';
if (tblGR.isValidField('collection')) productTableField = 'collection';
'table': tableName,
'field': fieldName,
'product_table_field': productTableField
// for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
// var field = result[i];
// gs.print(field['table'] + "." + field['field'] + " (" + field['product_table_field'] + ")");
// }
return result;
_lineMatches: function(str, search) {
var regex = RegExp(search,'g');
var lines = [];
while ((results = regex.exec(str)) !== null) {
// Search the str and count all the new lines.
// Could be made more efficent by not counting from 0, but from the first match.
var newLines = str.substr(0, results.index).match(new RegExp('\r\n|\r|\n', 'g'));
lines.push(newLines ? newLines.length + 1 : 1);
// 10 matches? Bail out now. No point in returning more
if (lines.length >= 10) return lines;
return lines;
_removeComments: function(a) {
a = ("__" + a + "__").split("");
for(var c = !1, d = !1, e = !1, f = !1, g = !1, h = !1, b = 0, k = a.length;b < k;b++) {
if(e) {
"/" === a[b] && "\\" !== a[b - 1] && (e = !1)
}else {
if(c) {
"'" === a[b] && "\\" !== a[b - 1] && (c = !1)
}else {
if(d) {
'"' === a[b] && "\\" !== a[b - 1] && (d = !1)
}else {
if(f) {
"*" === a[b] && "/" === a[b + 1] && (a[b + 1] = "", f = !1), "\n" != a[b] && (a[b] = "")
}else {
if(g) {
if("\n" === a[b + 1]