business rule will:
- add the transcript to the incident worknotes
- attach the transcript as a text file to the incident
(function executeRule(current, previous /*null when async*/) {
// This BR will only run for Incidents, so get the Sys ID and check that the record being inserted is an Incident
var sDocId = current.getValue('document_id') || "";
var grIncident = new GlideRecord('incident');
if (grIncident.get(sDocId)) {
// We have an Incident, so let's get the respective interaction record
var sTranscript = current.interaction.transcript;
var sTranscriptHeader = gs.getMessage("moj.interaction.transcript_header");
// Update the related Incident
grIncident.work_notes = sTranscriptHeader + "\n\n" + sTranscript;
// Add chat transcript as an attachment to the incident record
addAsAttachment(grIncident, sTranscript);
function addAsAttachment(grRec, sTranscript) {
var attachment = new global.Attachment();
attachment.write(grRec.getTableName(), grRec.getUniqueValue(), 'Chat Transcript.txt', 'text/xml', sTranscript);
// Cleanup
grIncident = null;
})(current, previous);
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