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ServiceNow - Turn on enhanced debugging for service graph connector via extra sys properties

 in this example, I am struggling to locate a field mapping to dynatrace application > comments field

Please turn on REST, IRE/CMDB, business rule logging and database logging on the instance while testing (reproducing the problem) and provide the times of the testings.

1. On the sys_properties set the followings
glide.businessrule.callstack = true
glide.db.trace = true = true
glide.cmdb.logger.source.identification_engine = info,warn,error,debug,debugVerbose
(if it does not exist, please create them)

2. Run your scheduled data import on applications

3. On the sys_properties set the followings
glide.businessrule.callstack = false
glide.db.trace = false = false
glide.cmdb.logger.source.identification_engine = info

Let us know the time of the testing and the workflow context related to the update.

The information is stored on the localhost files on your instance.
Use the Log File Browser to search and download logs.

More information here:


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