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ServiceNow Global Script


//Global search script var term = "search,terms"; //use comma to separate terms var useAndQuery = true; //search for term 1 and term 2. If false, it will look for term 1 or term 2. var debug = false; //set this true if you want to troubleshoot the script. var delimiter = ","; //if you want to split terms on something other than a comma var globalScriptSearch = { search: null, delimiter: ",", out: ["\n"], debug: false, useAndQuery: true, /* Main method that calls all the sub-methods.*/ search: function(term, useAndQuery, debug, delimiter) { if (typeof debug != "undefined") this.debug = debug; if (typeof delimiter != "undefined") this.delimiter = delimiter; if (typeof useAndQuery != "undefined") this.useAndQuery = useAndQuery; if (typeof term != "string") { gs.print("GlobalScriptSearch - ERROR: must pass a valid search term to search"); return false; } = term; this._searchLocations(); this._searchFieldTypes(); this._searchWorkflow(); gs.print(this.out.join("\n")); return true; }, _searchLocations: function() { var locations = { "question": "default_value", "sys_trigger": "job_context", "sys_dictionary": "calculation", "sys_dictionary_override": "calculation", "sys_ui_macro": "xml", "sys_ui_page": "html", "sys_impex_entry": "default_value", "content_block_programmatic": "programmatic_content", } for (var location in locations) { this._searchLocation(location, locations[location]); } }, _searchFieldTypes: function() { var fieldList = new GlideRecord("sys_dictionary"); var fieldTypes = ["script_plain", "script", "email_script", "condition_string", "conditions"]; var aq = null; for (var ic = 0; ic < fieldTypes.length; ic++) { if (aq == null) aq = fieldList.addQuery("internal_type", fieldTypes[ic]); else aq.addOrCondition("internal_type", fieldTypes[ic]); } this._searchFieldsNamedScript(aq); //exclude all field types that don't come from String var nonString = new GlideRecord("sys_glide_object"); nonString.addQuery("scalar_type", "!=", "string"); nonString.query(); while ( { fieldList.addQuery("internal_type", "!=", + ""); } fieldList.addQuery("internal_type", "!=", "boolean"); fieldList.query(); while ( { if ("var__") >= 0) continue; this._searchLocation(, fieldList.element); } }, _searchFieldsNamedScript: function(addQuery) { addQuery.addOrCondition("element", "ENDSWITH", "script"); addQuery.addOrCondition("element", "STARTSWITH", "script"); }, _searchWorkflow: function() { var allDocs = []; var tableName = 'sys_variable_value'; var fieldName = 'value'; var rec = new GlideRecord(tableName); rec.addQuery('document', 'wf_activity'); var qc = rec.addQuery('variable.element', 'CONTAINS', 'script'); qc.addOrCondition('variable.internal_type', 'CONTAINS', 'script'); var terms =; for (var ib = 0; ib < terms.length; ib++) { if (this.useAndQuery) { rec.addQuery(fieldName, 'CONTAINS', terms[ib]); } else { if (ib == 0) var aq = rec.addQuery(fieldName, "CONTAINS", terms[ib]); else aq.addOrCondition(fieldName, "CONTAINS", terms[ib]); } } this._addMatches(tableName, fieldName, rec); }, _searchLocation: function(table, field) { var fieldName = field + ""; var tableName = table + ""; if (this.debug) gs.print("_searchLocation: " + tableName + " " + fieldName); var target = new GlideRecord(tableName); if (!target.isValid()) { gs.print("GlobalScriptSearch - ERRROR: " + tableName + " was an invalid table name (field: " + fieldName + ")."); return; } var terms =; if (this.debug) gs.print("_searchLocation: terms.length " + terms.length); if (this.useAndQuery) { for (var ia = 0; ia < terms.length; ia++) { target.addQuery(fieldName, "CONTAINS", terms[ia]); } } else { var aq; for (var ia = 0; ia < terms.length; ia++) { if (ia == 0) var aq = target.addQuery(fieldName, "CONTAINS", terms[ia]); else aq.addOrCondition(fieldName, "CONTAINS", terms[ia]); } } this._addMatches(tableName, fieldName, target); }, _addMatches: function(tableName, fieldName, match) { try { match.query(); if (match.getRowCount() < 1) return; var matchList = []; this.out.push("\n\n* Searching - " + tableName + "." + fieldName + " ***"); while( { matchList.push(match.sys_id+""); this.out.push(match.getClassDisplayValue() + " - " + match.getDisplayValue() + ": /" + tableName + ".do?sys_id=" + match.sys_id); } this.out.push("\n[All matches] /" + tableName + "" + matchList.join(",")); } catch(e) { gs.print("GlobalScriptSearch - ERRROR: failure while trying to insert match " + e); } }, type: 'GlobalScriptSearch' }, useAndQuery, debug, delimiter);




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