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ServiceNow inbound email action to read values from a table

 courtesy of Jithender Nayini

example table contained in inbound email:





inbound action code:

// Note: current.opened_by is already set to the first UserID that matches the From: email address current.caller_id = gs.getUserID(); current.comments = "received from: " + email.origemail + "\n\n" + email.body_text; current.short_description = email.subject; //current.category = "request"; current.incident_state = IncidentState.NEW; current.notify = 2; current.contact_type = "email"; var htmlcode=email.body_html; htmlcode = htmlcode.replace(/<style([\s\S]*?)<\/style>/gi, ''); htmlcode = htmlcode.replace(/<script([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/gi, ''); htmlcode = htmlcode.replace(/<\/div>/ig, '\n'); htmlcode = htmlcode.replace(/<\/li>/ig, '\n'); htmlcode = htmlcode.replace(/<li>/ig, ' * '); htmlcode = htmlcode.replace(/<\/ul>/ig, '\n'); htmlcode = htmlcode.replace(/<\/p>/ig, '\n'); htmlcode = htmlcode.replace(/<br\s*[\/]?>/gi, "\n"); htmlcode = htmlcode.replace(/<[^>]+>/ig, ''); htmlcode=htmlcode.replace(' ',''); htmlcode=htmlcode.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g,''); gs.log("final email String "+htmlcode); var indesREG = new SNC.Regex('/Category.*Short_Description/si'); // this line will get the value of string between Category: and Short Description gs.log('indesREG'+indesREG); var finalvalue = indesREG.match(htmlcode).toString(); var regex = /(?:Category)(.*)(?:Short_Description)/g; finalvalue = regex.exec(finalvalue); gs.log('JN FinalValue '+finalvalue[1]); current.category = finalvalue[1]; gs.log('finalvalue'+finalvalue); if (email.body.assign != undefined) current.assigned_to = email.body.assign; if (email.importance != undefined) { if (email.importance.toLowerCase() == "high") { current.impact = 1; current.urgency = 1; } } if (current.canCreate()) current.insert();


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