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ServiceNow Scripted Extension Points

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search script includes with script contains GlideScriptedExtensionPoint

My own test example:

1) script include

create a new script include include (in below example, I have called this rds_test_extens_point), and add code similar to below:

var rds_test_extens_point = Class.create();
rds_test_extens_point.prototype = {
initialize: function() {

   var result = [];
         var epoints = new global.GlideScriptedExtensionPoint();
          var eps = epoints.getExtensions("rdsTestExtPt");
         //gs.print('eps.length::' + eps.length);
         for (i=0;i<eps.length;i++){
             var point = eps[i];
             if (point.type=='rdsTestExtPt' || point.type=='rdsTestExtPt_2'){//--check is actually not necessary, but illustrates how you can get to the script include name using .type                                                            gs.print('found func');                     
                    var res=point.rdsNewFunction('','');

   //--in case the script includes actually contained different function names, could use below approach-but might defeat the purpose a little!

     /*if (point.type=='rdsTestExtPt_2'){
                  gs.print('found func 2');
                  var res2=point.rdsNewFunction_2('','');


} catch(ex) {
    gs.error("Error running extension points!");

return result;


    type: 'rds_test_extens_point'


2) scripted extension point [sys_extension_point]: 

3) extension instance [sys_extension_instance]: 

click 'create implementation' to create below 2 script includes

each of the items in the 'Class' column is a new script include, the one with order 100 contains a function rdsNewFunction and the one with order 200 also contains a function rdsNewFunction- these functions each return a simple test string

4) background script:

var si=new rds_test_extens_point().process('a', 'b');


*** Script: hello
*** Script: eps.length::2
*** Script: rdsTestExtPt
*** Script: found func 1
*** Script: test 1234 blah blah blah
*** Script: rdsTestExtPt_2
*** Script: found func 2
*** Script: test ZZZZ func 2

OOTB example 1: 

search for script includes that contain the following line of script:

    var extensionPoints = new GlideScriptedExtensionPoint().getExtensions

1) example script include: GetOutputFieldTypes

    var epoints = new global.GlideScriptedExtensionPoint();

    var eps = epoints.getExtensions("mlOutputFieldTypeExtPt");

2) scripted extension point [sys_extension_point]: global.mlOutputFieldTypeExtPt

scroll down to the implementations (extension instances)

3) extension instance [sys_extension_instance]: global.mlOutputFieldTypeExtPt

you can see how this links the script include to the scripted extension point - note in this example this references a different script include called mlOutputFieldChoicesOOB

if you click through to that class (the script include) you can see the function getMLOutputFieldChoices

this is called via the first script include


                        var epoints = new global.GlideScriptedExtensionPoint();

var eps = epoints.getExtensions("mlOutputFieldTypeExtPt");

if (eps.length > 0){

var point = eps[0];

result = point.getMLOutputFieldChoices(tableName,capability);


OOTB example 2 

out of the box scripted extension - below example is within the global application scope:

1) script include: RelateClosedIncidentsToProblem

see description

2) scripted extension point [sys_extension_point]: global.BulkAddIncidentsFilter

scroll down to the implementations (extension instances)

3) extension instance [sys_extension_instance]: global.BulkAddIncidentsFilter

you can see how this links the script include to the scripted extension point:

can navigate back to the extension point by clicking the 'go to definition' link

(ServiceNow )


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