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ServiceNow UTAH release highlights

 ServiceNow UTAH release highlights

  • catalog builder with next experience UI look and feel

  • item designer to be deprecated

  • next experience / UI builder
    • accessibility (1000 fixes)
    • dark theme
      • lists
      • forms
      • dashboards/widgets
      • knowledge
      • service catalog
      • virtual agent client
      • VTB landing page
    • Theme builder
      • build next experience themes
      • match your .org brand
    • favourites grouping
      • enables users to group their favourites together
      • create new custom groups
    • multi-menu filtering
      • click=auto focus on the filter
      • find options from other menus (under ALL RESULTS)
    • History detail
      • show workspaces and custom UI pages in the history
      • ex: VTB
      • upgraded instances, set system property glide.ui.polaris.history.recording=ALL (for instances upgraded to UTAH - this is set by default on new instances)
    • Duplicate content and right-click menu
      • save time
      • hot keys
      • includes properties, styles and events
    • Experience view
      • overlay to UI builder and visual editor
      • center of configuration
      • map of the universe
    • customisable product notifications
      • create custom product notifications (workspace experience> administration> notification triggers)
      • new type for: Next Experience
    • Enhanced page creation
      • guided experience for new pages and variants
      • templates
      • easier page parameters/conditions and variant audiences
      • duplicate variants

  • App Engine
    • table builder
      • extended tables
      • maps imported data to extensible table
      • mapping of fields
      • preferred tables
      • most commonly extended are at the top of the list
      • descriptions added
      • schema view
      • read-only
      • map of database relationships
    • custom template authoring
      • clarity over error detection
      • shows skipped and/or denied artefacts
      • reduced time for error correction and testing
    • workspace builder and experience templates
      • no-code place to create and manage workspaces
      • introductory model
      • preview workspaces
      • lowers the technical difficulty of UIB
      • stand up workspaces in minutes
    • app engine management system
      • quantitative usage reporting on experiences
      • each has its own dashboard
      • can use to fuel future improvements
    • ERP Customization Mining (ECM)
      • SAP customisation scanning
      • ranking and prioritisation of customizations
      • builds the automation between ServiceNow and SAP
      • can leverage App Templates

  • Automation Engine (18.13)
    • Hermes (message bus) - built on Apache Kafka. Allows you to send data outside of ServiceNow for reporting purposes in a fast way. Connects via MID Server with message flows via integration hub for outbound
      • stream connect for Kafka
      • IH import enhancements
      • import a REST message into a REST step
      • testing a REST/SOAP step
    • RPA Hub
      • pdi support
      • universal recorder
      • universal app connector
      • simplified movement of RPA Hub Components across instances
      • support for MFA
      • auto retry for queues
      • robot calendar
    • document intelligence (document parsing)
      • better support for extracting info from long tables, with new interface for table extraction
      • new admin experience built on next experience UI
      • better support for extracting info from checkboxes (added AI models)
      • revamping the UI
    • Automation Center (command and control center for all automations, whether part of ServiceNow or outside)
      • integration with flow data
      • enhanced UiPath spoke
      • similar existing automation suggestions

  • Flow Designer and Process Automation Designer
    • associated flows
      • shows action usage across Flows and Subflows
      • shows if Flows are active
      • Flows within users' security limits can be opened from the lists
      • cuts down on error correction and testing time
    • support for stages
      • visible and changeable
      • one more step towards full feature parity with designer
    • flow priorities
      • users can segregate flows into buckets of priority
      • the platform will re-order the running of flows as need be
      • low: anything not time sensitive
      • medium: default (incl. legacy flows)
      • high: high business value, run rarely, brief
      • the pausing of flows occurs between actions
    • Process Automation Designer
      • fulfiller can add in Optional Activities at an appropriate time
      • handles both global and lane-oriented Optional Activities
      • Allows flexibility but tracks autonomous changes
  • Mobile
    • improved experiences
      • theming
      • online/offline
      • uploads
      • input forms
      • record section functions
    • Multi-instance switching
      • no more logout/login
      • use the icon in the upper left
      • continue to get notifications
      • notifications for other instances take you to that instance
  • Workflow and integrations

  • Authentication / security
    • KMF Health Page
      • automated error resolution
      • error classification
      • error code KB
    • identity center - users
      • track active sessions, login history, and registered devices
      • plugin: identity center (com.snc.identity_center)
    • log export service
      • export near-real-time at scale (e.g. Splunk)
      • part of the Vault suite
      • uses Hermes as a transport layer

  • random
    • guided tours in Next Experience will work in Utah (also patch fixes for San Diego and Tokyo)
    • script editor:
      • more visual expand/collapse
      • code preview pane
    • default Javascript is 2021 for new apps

(work in progress)



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