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ServiceNow Error: Create operation from scope '' has been refused due to the table's cross-scope access policy

ServiceNow Error: Create operation from scope '' has been refused due to the table's cross-scope access policy

Sometimes if encountering an issue in background script or fix script, move the code into a script include defined within the application but accessible from all application scopes, and call the script include from there

example - background script:

var firstname='testfirst';
var lastname='testlast';
var title='Mr';

var si=new x_cls_clear_skye_i.serviceCatalog_libraries();
var res=si.createTestStagingEntry(firstname, lastname, title);

gs.print('RECORD SYSID='+res);

script include:

createTestStagingEntry: function(firstname, lastname, title) {

var startdate = new GlideDate().getDisplayValue();

var gr = new GlideRecord('x_cls_clear_skye_i_poc_account_import_staging');
gr.setValue('u_first_name', firstname);
gr.setValue('u_last_name', lastname);
gr.setValue('title', title);
gr.setValue('scheduled_start', startdate);
var sReturn=gr.insert();'createTestStagingEntry::STAGING TABLE SYSID=' + gr.sys_id);
return sReturn;



Enable the 'Can Create' option for the 'x_<custom_table>'

  1. Navigate to System Definition > Tables
  2. Open the record for the custom table. 
  3. In the Application Access section, check the box for 'Can create' 

Additional Information

 Please review the documentation below as well: 

In the Application Access section, define the scope protection for the table. For more information, see Application access settings.

Can create 

Select the check box to allow script objects from other application scopes to create records in this table. This option offers runtime protection. For example, a script in another application can insert a new record in this table. This option is available only when the Can read check box is selected. lear the check box to prevent script objects from other application scopes from creating records in this table. 


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